Supporting a remote workforce through the uncertainties of Coronavirus

Top tips for getting your workforce through the next few months.

Communication is key

Coronavirus will be top of the agenda for businesses over the coming months, so make
sure you keep your employees up to date. This will be particularly important for your
employees who are working remotely.

Regular, clear communication will help alleviate worries your employees may be
experiencing and will keep them in the loop with potential developments to their
working situation.

Be sure to share information from official sources to minimise speculation, and provide
updates promptly as and when announcements are made.

Above all, your staff need to know you’re closely monitoring the outbreak and that you
have their best interests at heart, so make communication your top priority.


Provide the right tools for the job

With remote working looking likely to be the norm over the next few weeks, potentially
months, businesses need to make sure employees have the right tools required to fulfil
their job.

First things first, you’ll need to ensure employees have a laptop, mobile phone and possibly
a headset. They’ll also need access to decent WiFi or to be given a mobile internet dongle.

Several online tools are handy for remote workers. Consider using Google Docs
for document sharing, a company-wide chat tool such as Microsoft Teams, and a
video conferencing platform like Zoom to keep everyone connected.

Keep employees engaged

If the majority of your employees are working remotely for a sustained period, you’ll need
to consider how you can keep your staff engaged and in touch.

Email will be vital to keep in contact with your employees, but you could also think about using
an app-based messaging service such as WhatsApp to provide real-time, alert-style updates.
Video calls will be critical over the next few weeks too. The more virtual face-to-face contact
you can have with your employees, the better.

Large office meetings are also unlikely to be going ahead any time soon, so make use
of online meeting tools and video conferencing platforms to carry out team sessions.
Via these platforms, you could also hold staff briefings, and use them as portals to
encourage questions, feedback and discussions.

Keep rewarding!

Just because your employees are working from home doesn’t mean you should stop
rewarding them for their hard work. If anything, the changes to their normal working routine
may mean they deserve recognition from you, their employer, more than ever.

Rewarding your workforce for their loyalty and commitment through stressful times can really
drive motivation and boost morale. So, what can you do to reward and recognise a remote

Specific incentives such as day trips or event tickets are not going to cut it given the current
climate, but shopping vouchers, such as Lifestyle or buzz, could be a welcomed treat in light
of a difficult time. Employees can also use shopping vouchers online, so they won’t have to
set foot outside of their home to enjoy the benefits.

Don’t forget to showcase recognition to the rest of the company too. Use social media, online
messaging tools, points platforms and even Zoom chats to remotely celebrate achievements
with the rest of your company.

Don’t forget those who can’t work from home.

Some businesses will have employees whose roles mean remote working is simply not an
option. But just because some won’t see a change to their working circumstances, it doesn’t
mean they won’t be feeling the strain.

These employees might be taking up the slack for staff who are working remotely or are
self-isolating because of the virus, so why not reward them for getting out there and carrying
on regardless? These employees will need your support more than ever. They’ll need
constant reassurance, encouragement and praise to keep them engaged and motivated
during this uncertain time.

If you’d like advice on boosting the morale of your workforce during the
uncertainties of the Coronavirus, get in touch with our experts at Motivates here.

#WorkingRemotely #EmployeeEngagement #EmployeeMotivation